KABK Interactive/Media/Design

A sneak peek into the process of making an exposition for the KB Atelier

Group 2: Team Jeta

The students of IMD are divided in 4 groups: each group will make a prototype according to the assignment (the alba amicorum collection of the KB).

You can follow their process via these URL’s:

Group 1: https://smooth-clutch-fae.notion.site/Client-assignment-bcee7ea3843c46378411d4d4b72ae134
Group 2: https://www.notion.so/TEAM-JETA-117f694817ef4a19ab3b4b893253997d
Group 3: https://elastic-production-d21.notion.site/Group-3-2c3f42349c4444c7a376222154d74855
Group 4: https://www.notion.so/NOVUS-NEXUS-c017e0df054346edb77d088261c8c99a